
Showing posts from 2012

How To Force Verizon PC5750 To Use EVDO Only

Today my PC5750 is unable to connect using Global Access (EVDO). Everytime i tried to start connection it keeps changing from EVDO to National Access. After searching the web, finally i able to force it to use EVDO. this is the way how to do that: 1. Open your VZAccess Manager 2. Press Ctrl+D . You'll be prompted to input a password. the password is diagvzw 3. The Support window will be shown to you 4. Click Setting, you'll be shown Settings window 5. Choose Mobile IP Preferred and HDR Only and then click OK 6. Close the Support window 7. Done That's all, i hope it'll be useful for you :)

Surat Pembatalan Polis Asuransi

Hi there! This is an insurance cancellation letter from my previous blog which for some reason have been disabled. After searching on google, an example of insurance cancellation letter is hard to find especially the one in Indonesia language. so i created this letter after combining some sample and i created it in Indonesia language. I hope this letter will be useful to you. :) <Tanggal> <Perusahaan asuransi> <Alamat perusahaan asuransi> UP:   <Departement untuk pembatalan polis> SURAT PEMBATALAN POLIS: <No. Polis> Saya, <Nama lengkap> , bersama surat ini meminta dilakukan pembatalan polis kepada <Perusahaan asuransi> atas <Tipe asuransi> . Saya menginginkan pembatalan ini mulai efektif per <Tanggal pembatalan> . Adapun data-data saya adalah sebagai berikut: Nomor Polis : <No. Polis> Nama Lengkap : <Nama lengkap> Tanggal Lahir : <Tanggal lahir> Alasan pembatalan ini dikarenakan <Alasa...

Hello World!

Hello welcome to my new blog! :)